ClimaCheck in media
The 55th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition
Long term performance measurement of GSHP Systems serving commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings
Uncover Hidden Energy savings with ClimaCheck
ClimaCheck is a powerful chiller analytics platform that helps identify equipment and system degradation. By applying highly accurate sensors to the refrigeration cycle, ClimaCheck is able to deliver greater insights to help identify chiller performance deficiencies.
ClimaCheck integrates a suite of sensors with data analytics software designed to provide new and useful insights into chiller performance. ClimaCheck is created for air-cooled chillers, water-cooled chillers, and single or multi-circuit compressor units.
Refrigeration End-Use Performance Data Share
BPA recognizes Commercial Refrigeration as an important end use in the commercial energy savings portfolio for the region.
In 2012, the Energy Efficiency Engineering team became aware of a refrigeration performance monitoring system – ClimaCheck – and decided to use the equipment to monitor commercial refrigeration systems in the BPA region.
Riktlinjer för Mätning och Uppföljning av geoenergianläggningar.
Svenskt Geoenergicentrum har genom en arbetsgrupp tagit fram Riktlinjer för Mätning och Uppföljning av geoenergisystem och en tillhörande excelmall för rapportering av systemets uppbyggnad, mätningar och prestanda.
RM12-2798 High-Efficiency Rooftop Unit
Hawaii and Guam Energy Improvement Technology Demonstration Project. As part of its overall strategy to meet its energy goals, NAVFAC partnered with NREL to rapidly demonstrate and deploy cost-effective renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.
Forskningsprojekt inom Energimyndighetens forskningsprogram E2B2 07/2017
“Att optimera anläggningen till högsta möjliga effektivitet bör prioriteras eftersom detta påverkar energianvändningen under driftsfasen som står för en mycket stor andel av klimatpåverkan under anläggningens livscykel.” Mer information här.
High-Impact Technology Catalyst: Technology Deployment Strategies
The energy savings opportunity in commercial buildings varies according to building type, systems, climate zone, construction type, and occupant density, among other factors. To translate this complexity and opportunity into actionable, strategic approaches, DOE’s Building Technologies Office (BTO) conducts a research, identification, and evaluation exercise.
Accelerate America #40 , p.18-20, 07/2018
Early detection of faults is always cost effective and prevents long test periods from becoming useless.
Svensk Geoenergi NR 2 2017 , p.22
“Det är ofta SI och Så med mätning och uppföljning”, text by : Jörgen Olsson
Performance indicators for energy efficient supermarket buildings
Analysis can be done for example with equipment from ClimaCheck for a short interval or with a permanent installation with connection to the internet, so it is possible to follow the variation in performance. The ClimaCheck system also provides other valuable information about the performance of the system.
The future business opportunity of the service sector is to measure and optimise
Paper, Klas BERGLÖF , Stavros D. Anagnostatos , Milano 2017
Development and dissemination of cost effective strategies to improve energy efficiency in cooling systems in the food and drink sector
Final report from System Efficiency Index project financed by Swedish Energy Agency 2014
Paper presented at IIR conference in Slovakia 2013
Mät och optimera funktionaliteten för energieffektiva kylanläggningar i ishallar
Nacka och Norrtälje är två kommuner som har varit tidigt ute med att systematiskt energioptimera sina isanläggningar och därmed kraftigt kunnat sänka sin energiförbrukning. Samtidigt har de fått bättre kunskap om hur olika systemdelar fungerar och ska utnyttjas för att skapa bästa möjliga iskvalitet och driftsäkerhet till lägsta energikostnad och miljöbelastning.
Paper presented at IIR World conference in Prague 2011
Energy Optimisation Potential through Improved Onsite Analysing Methods in Refrigeration
By John Arul and Mike Prakash, Master of Science Thesis, Masters Program in Sustainable Energy Engineering 2006, Department of Energy Technology Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
Report IEA Konferens Las Vegas 2005
Methods and potential for onsite performance validation of air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump systems.
ClimaCheck system reduces guesswork in air-conditioning inspections
Article about ClimaCheck in Building Sustainable Design, December 2008