How did Banner Health save 3 800 000 US-dollar per year?
Banner Health Update – Webinar
It is now possible to listen on the webinar where ETC Group and Banner Health’s presenting/talking about the project and what they have accomplished!
Full webinar:
We recommend that you take the time to listen through the full webinar, to get a good overall picture!
If you do not have the time, you can follow the time stamps:
22:30 Performance concerns and the necessity to have additional information.
45:40 How did you select the technology to adopt corp-wide?
47:07 About ClimaCheck.
You can read more about the case and work that have been done here:
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Fördjupat partnerskap mellan ClimaCheck och Indoor Energy.
Partnerskapet innebär att Indoor Energy integrerar prestandaanalys från ClimaCheck som ett verktyg i sina serviceavtal för kunder med kylanläggningar.
Extended Partnership between ClimaCheck and Indoor Energy
This partnership means that Indoor Energy integrate performance analysis as a tool in their service agreements for clients with heat pump and cooling systems.