Chillventa 2022 – Recap

Chillventa 2022 is over, it was nice meeting both new and old friends again! We are now looking forward to keep on saving energy with all of you.
The seriousness of the ongoing energy crisis was clearly present, resulting in an increased focus to reduce energy consumption via energy efficiency. We had many good discussions on how sustainability targets can be reached!
German Energy Agency (dena)
The day before Chillventa 2022, ClimaCheck was awarded to develop and verify a benchmarking platform for air conditioning, refrigeration, and heat pump systems.
The project is a result of dena’s conclusion that companies do not take advantage of opportunities to improve their energy efficiency through digitalization, despite being aware of them.
Based on thousands of optimised systems, ClimaCheck have over the years seen that the saving potential usually is between 10-30% in HVACR systems. Optimising these systems, which consumes approx. 20% of the global electricity is a crucial part to get control of the energy crisis.
New products
Everyone that entered our stand could see our new software as well as ClimaCheck light.
If you have questions about these, you can always contact us
Until next time!
Chillventa 2022 was a blast, we are looking forward to 2024!
More news
Gratis onlineutbildning, en hjälpande hand för effektiv energioptimering!
Som ett första steg i detta gör vi vår Level 1 utbildning gratis, så nu kan du göra den online när du vill i ditt tempo.
Maskininlärning för att förbättra värmepumpars prestanda och driftsäkerhet!
Projektet "PREMA-HEAPS" har som mål att förbättra energieffektiviteten i kylmaskin- och värmepumpssystem med hjälp av datadriven energioptimering.
Är ditt kylsystem redo för sommaren? Det går att undvika haverier med rätt strategi!
Om man övervakar driften och åtgärdar problemen när de uppstår, går det att undvika haverier på ett effektivt sätt, även vid extremväder.