Clean energy isn’t enough, energy efficiency is the key!

By |Published On: 2019-02-01|

Energy consumption is more relevant than ever, and some areas stand out more than others. The IT sector (mobiles, computers, data centers, networks, infrastructure) is one, today it accounts for about one-tenth of the world’s energy consumption, but that share is about to grow, fast!

The amount of data and connected devices will keep increase. According to; Anders Andrae and Tomas Edler at Huawei the IT sector will consume more than half of the worlds electricity by 2030 and account for almost a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions if the industry does not become more efficient. (In their report “On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology: Trends to 2030” – )

When it comes to Data Centers, there is great focus on how the energy it consumes is produced. It should be green, clean and renewable, which isn’t bad. But how effectively is the electricity consumed that is used? In most of the facilities where ClimaCheck performance analysing is used, we can see a great potential to save energy, because the cooling equipment does not run optimal. This becomes even more apparent in complex system where you add heat pumps to utilise the energy.

When the data we collected is analysed it is easy to improve quality of preventive maintenance (or start to work with predictive maintenance), predict failures and optimise energy use. Energy optimisation often achieve energy savings of 10‑30%, less downtime and decreased environmental impact with a short ROI.

If you want to know more, contact us at ClimaCheck.

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