ClimaCheck in South Korea

By |Published On: 2018-02-21|

The EU Gateway Business Avenue program has the purpose to establish partnerships between European and Asian companies. ClimaCheck was selected as a company within Green Energy Technologies. From the 29th of January till 2nd of February 2018 ClimaCheck participated in the EU mission to Seoul. The weather was as cold as the reception was warm – Korea is a friendly country with a rich history and culture. Korea is a growing market for ClimaCheck. Our distributor Mr. Sang Jin Park at Thehaim Eng has worked successfully to introduce ClimaCheck. As in so many other countries it has become clear that air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump system do not operate as efficient as they should. To reach Korea’s Climate Change commitment the Korean Energy Agency is pushing regulations on Measuring and Validation to ensure efficiency. The EU organisers invited a targeted audience to an exhibition at the Shilla hotel in Seoul.


The ClimaCheck stand was continuously busy with potential customers and experts from i.e. the Korean Energy Authority which gave an opportunity to discuss the saving potential as well as the unique ClimaCheck solutions and experiences.


The visit to Seoul also gave an opportunity to visit the “Seoul Energy Dream Center” a fantastic building, used for public awareness on energy and climate.It is built with the latest technology- from architecture to technical solutions – to show how energy consumption can be decreased through building orientation-design and how the energy can be supplied with a combination of photovoltaic and ground source heat pumps.

The three heat pumps as well as a chiller in the Seoul Energy Dream Center are monitored by ClimaCheck online to ensure that it is not just efficient products but that they are also operating efficiently.

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