ClimaCheck Online – Update January 2020

A new update to ClimaCheck online is going to be launched on!
New Dashboard
We have improved the dashboard to harmonise it with the dashboard in ClimaCheck Onsite Software (version 5). Apart from a new layout these functions are now available:
- System information box added – showing what kind of system is being measured
- Improved focus on last measured hour.
- All gauges have been improved with values of interest per gauge.
- Printing functionality has been added via the
“print” button. This functionality provides a standardised print template for
users to export a Dashboard view.
- This print view is configurable via the built-in web browser support, in Chrome and Firefox the user is presented more options than in other browsers.
- There is a text field to be used if the user wants to add own comments to a specific export. This is shown in the dashboard configuration.
- In-Page configuration – new functions and information can be hidden, and old cost meters can be shown.
For newer plant (setup during end of 2019 and later) functionality is improved.
- New visual appearance of tabs
- Improved loading times
- Possibility to translate more parts of plant view and improved handling of plants with multiple circuits.
If you have older plant and want to upgrade to this new style and functionality please contact
My Settings Moved
Options previously handled under “My settings” are now moved to user configuration handled by administrators.
Systemwide/minor changes
In our continuous work on system security we have improve several backend services in this regard.
As with our work on security we have made optimisation work on several parts of the system.
We have also upgraded our calculations to handle additional options.
We have found and fixed some issues in flowchart-tags regarding text translation and the information in the tag-popup.
More news
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