ClimaCheck onsite software version 6 is released!

By |Published On: 2023-05-04|

We are now releasing version 6 of ClimaCheck onsite software, an upgrade to our globally leading HVACR performance analysis PC-software. Version 6 brings an enhanced real time performance analysis of air conditioning, refrigeration, and heat pump (HVACR) systems.

The new ClimaCheck onsite software includes:

  • An updated platform with increased calculation capacity, enhanced flexibility, and advanced HVACR system visualisation.
  • The possibility to add and customise your own graphs and tables with improved Excel compatibility, streamlining your HVACR data analysis.
  • A pressure-enthalpy chart to visualise the process.
  • Multiple tabs for two and three circuit systems to facilitate more efficient HVACR performance analysis.
  • Connection to ClimaCheck lite via Bluetooth sensors.

ClimaCheck onsite software presents all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in real time, providing a comprehensive overview of your HVACR system’s performance in real time. These KPIs include:

  • System Efficiency Index – SEI Dashboard
  • Capacity/Energy Efficiency/COP (Coefficient of Performance)
  • Compressor efficiency
  • Condenser/Evaporator efficiency (inlet/outlet temperature differences)
  • Control functions (at different loads without expensive travel/data collection)
  • Expansion valve function (superheat values)
  • Verification of refrigerant charge and early detection of leaks

Hardware requirements.

Both ClimaCheck onsite (PaProIII) and ClimaCheck lite hardware can be used for data collection. Connecting the sensors can be done in 30-40 minutes, the process is standardised which make it straight forward. Directly when connected the analysis can be started and all the necessary information to troubleshoot and optimise system performance will be available.

If you purchased a ClimaCheck onsite system after October 2022, you can update to Version 6 for free. Contact us here to update or to get a price for an upgrade.


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