ClimaCheck wish you an amasing midsummer!
On Friday it is midsummer in Sweden and our office will be closed. We will be out dancing around midsummer poles, celebrating the summer and try to survive all the mosquitoes.
The office will be closed Friday (24/6) and we will be back on Monday!
Take care and have a nice weekend!
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Chillventa 2024 – Information
Thank you for visiting us at Chillventa, fill out your email and questions, here ...
Fördjupat partnerskap mellan ClimaCheck och Indoor Energy.
Partnerskapet innebär att Indoor Energy integrerar prestandaanalys från ClimaCheck som ett verktyg i sina serviceavtal för kunder med kylanläggningar.
Extended Partnership between ClimaCheck and Indoor Energy
This partnership means that Indoor Energy integrate performance analysis as a tool in their service agreements for clients with heat pump and cooling systems.