Energy Performance Indicator (EnPi) Benchmarking – ClimaCheck and dena update

By |Published On: 2024-06-17|

In October 2022, ClimaCheck was awarded a dena project to develop a platform for Energy Performance Indicator (EnPi) Benchmarking. The project is based on the urgent need to improve energy efficiency in Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heat Pump (HVACR) systems. The potential was identified by the German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie-Agentur, dena), and the project was announced in 2022. Last week, the final workshop with the final Advisory Board meeting was held

The dena EnPi Benchmarking project has developed a new analytical platform and piloted 10 representative sites. The development of the new platform is an additional step to the well-proven ClimaCheck method as it introduces normalisation of the energy signatures (used by ClimaCheck) to allow benchmarking of the efficiency of systems of different sizes in different climates.

As the platform is unbiased and based on thermodynamics, the performance information can be used to benchmark and compare efficiencies at component level as well as for the whole site. This function is crucial, as it will be a prerequisite for the EU Taxonomy and ESG reporting.

ClimaCheck has worked closely with ProptechOS and Kühlanalyse to develop a platform that complies with the toughest IT security requirements.

The first results of implemented optimisations document over 17% energy saving from low-cost to non-investment (no replacement of major parts) measures. Furthermore, the improvements in the operation drastically reduced the number of compressor start/stops, which significantly reduces wear, leading to fewer failures and less downtime.

During Chillventa (8-10 October), you can visit us (stand 9-336) and see more results from the project.

For more information about the project and the Energy Performance Indicator Benchmarking (EnPi) platform, contact us here.

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