Extended Partnership between ClimaCheck and Indoor Energy

By |Published On: 2024-08-20|

ClimaChecks proven solutions enables energy optimisation in air conditioning, refrigeration and heat pump systems, while also contributing to increased plant reliability. All important aspects to reduced equipment wear and lower operating costs. And today we are happy announce that we are deepening our partnership with Indoor Energy.

Indoor Energy

Indoor Energy are experts in energy optimisation and service, and has over 50 years of experience in optimising building systems. This partnership means that Indoor Energy will integrate information from our performance analysis as a tool in their service agreements for clients with heat pump and cooling systems. This allows for early detection of deviations, which enables quicker corrective action before energy usage escalates (“performance drift”) and the system trips. This raises Indoor Energy’s service commitment to a new level, offering advanced services.

Historically the focus has been on reliability and maintenance, today the emphasis is on optimisation and reduction of the energy consumption in our service agreements with customers. With ClimaCheck’s patented and world-leading solution, we can elevate our entire service commitment to a new level in this regard and provide our customers with the opportunity to achieve additional savings of up to 30 percent,” says Åsa Wikensten, CEO, Indoor Energy.


The ClimaCheck method adds a new level of information to our partners, and together we collaborate all around the world to optimise cooling and heat pump systems.

By continuously analysing performance, maintenance can be planned based on the condition of the units, breakdowns can be predicted and avoided, as deviations are detected immediately, ensuring energy consumption is optimised and maintained.

There is a global paradigm shift in the cooling and heat pump industry right now, with increased focus on effective energy optimisation and predictive maintenance. Driving this with our partners is not only exciting but also crucial. Since chillers and heat pumps account for a significant portion of many companies’ total electricity consumption and more than 20% globally, we are accelerating the green transition together. Says Carl-Johan, CEO, ClimaCheck

For more information about the extended partnership, please contact:

Niklas Berglöf, 070 230 88 05, ClimaCheck
Åsa Wikensten, Indoor Energy, Indoor Energy

Don’t miss “The Energy Handbook – the podcast,” where Carl-Johan visits Indoor Energy’s founders Mats Bjelkevik and Kay Rung to talk performance analysis and energy optimisation.

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