Gulf Engineering seminar – February highlight
We want to extend a big thank, to ClimaCheck Partner, Gulf Engineering, for hosting a well-attended and arranged seminar that fostered engaging discussions and productive meetings.
If you’re interested in connecting with Gulf engineering or 360 Green Solutions (our distributor) please follow the links. Alternatively, you can contact us, and we will be happy to forward your contact details to the appropriate party.
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Fördjupat partnerskap mellan ClimaCheck och Indoor Energy.
Partnerskapet innebär att Indoor Energy integrerar prestandaanalys från ClimaCheck som ett verktyg i sina serviceavtal för kunder med kylanläggningar.
Extended Partnership between ClimaCheck and Indoor Energy
This partnership means that Indoor Energy integrate performance analysis as a tool in their service agreements for clients with heat pump and cooling systems.
ClimaCheck online – Maintenance – 6-7/7
During this weekend (sixth and seventh of July), ClimaCheck online will be through some planned maintenance.