Is your company ready for the next heat wave?

By |Published On: 2019-06-24|

Extreme weather conditions are becoming more common all over the world with warmer summers as a result. Last summer’s heat wave in Sweden hit many cooling plants hard when capacity was not sufficient. A lot of systems had problems and needed service simultaneously but there was not enough technicians.

Many equipment owners could not get help from their maintenance companies due to amount of failures. This led to; extended time to restore failed cooling systems, which resulted in e.g. hospitals that had to postpone operations, ruined food in grocery stores and hotels that could not maintain the comfort for their customers.

Few of the faults started when hot weather started – the heat just makes them noticeable.

Most faults should have been discovered and fixed when they appear or at least well before peak loads. ClimaCheck makes it possible to introduce predictive maintenance with early warnings so problems can be fixed, and breakdowns prevented, thanks to analysis of data in real time.

With ClimaCheck online, it is possible for a service company and/or equipment owner to get a warning when the performance decrease indicating a problem. Since the data is online it is possible to share the information with external expertise cost-effectively to ensure that correct action is planned and best suited staff bring correct spares to be able to fix problems. In most cases problems can be pinpointed before going to site without first going to site for trouble shooting and then order necessary spare parts and go back.

Measuring & Verification with a Predictive maintenance approach is the best ways to avoid breakdowns and downtime. The same information is a prerequisite for efficient optimisation.

ClimaCheck is the perfect tool for early detection of problems in HVACR-systems. 24/7 monitoring with ClimaCheck online identifies almost all deviations before they create a problem in the plant.

Examples of what ClimaCheck finds and which are not normally monitored:

• An overcharged system, fouled condenser or fan issue will normally alarm only at high outdoor temperatures – if condenser efficiency is monitored with ClimaCheck you will get an early warning.

• A system low on refrigerant or with poor expansion valve functionality/incorrect setting will normally generate alarm when capacity is not sufficient at high outdoor temperatures – if evaporator efficiency is monitored with ClimaCheck you will get an early warning.

• If there is a compressor issue there will normally be no alarm unless power exceed maximum allowed or on some systems discharge exceed highest allowed value this will likely occur only at extreme conditions – if compressor efficiency is monitored with ClimaCheck you will get an early warning.

Many failures are detectable long before the problems occur, but few are detected.

Make sure your systems are checked or monitored 24/7 with ClimaCheck before being tested by extreme weather conditions. Optimised equipment has fewer failures and works more energy efficient it is not uncommon to reduce energy consumption by 20% with low cost optimisation.

Prepare yourself for the next heat wave, Contact us for more information.

Do you have a few more minutes to spare? Take a look at our information video.

If you are interested in even more information, you can read more about ClimaCheck and how the measurements/data collection work here:

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Our proven solution increase energy efficiency by 10-30% and reduce maintenance costs in any air conditioning, refrigeration or heat pump system!