AIRAH’s Refrigeration 2019 conference

ClimaCheck will be presenting on the first day at AIRAH’s Refrigeration 2019 conference in Melbourne.
The presentation (Optimisation with unbiased performance monitoring and benchmarking tools save 10–30% of the energy in supermarket refrigeration and air conditioning) will be held Day 1, Monday, March 25 – 11.45 – 12.15 in room one.
Both ClimaChecks and our Australian distributor Connected-IoT will be present during the whole conference. If you are interested in the benefits and optimisation possibilities when you use ClimaCheck to analyse HVACR-systems send us an email to so we can book a meeting. If you do not have the possibility to see us at the conference, we can schedule a meeting for another day.
More information about: AIRAH’s Refrigeration 2019 Conference
Contact details to: Connected IoT
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