The 55th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition
Between the 11 and 13 of december we had the honour participating in The 55th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition.
The International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition is an annual meeting with the focus on energy systems in buildings, cities and industry, and above all – in sector of heating, cooling and air conditioning. The exhibition have a long tradition of bringing experts, engineers, researchers, equipment manufacturers and other professionals together, from the Republic of Serbia and the world who are involved in these areas.
ClimaCheck presentation
During the event ClimaCheck was invited by UNEP (ECA) to present how Inspection audits with the help of performance analysis can be done in the field, to give the contractor, maintenance staff and equipment owner performance information that makes troubleshooting much more efficient compared to conventional methods. As the ClimaCheck method supplise performance information on component level, more than “just” efficient troubleshooting and energy optimisation is enabled. The method, enables AFDD which is a crucial part of Predictive maintenance.
It was a pleasure to meet so many people that works with a common goal, to make the future more efficient and we are looking forward to work with you all!
Montreal Protocol Network for Europe & Central Asia (ECA network)
The ECA network is a part of United Nations Energy Program and has evolved into a multi-stakeholder network involving a wide range of national and international stakeholders. All of them have contributed to meeting the Montreal Protocol targets.The ECA network includes 11 developing countries that spread from Central Asia and the Caucasus to the Balkansors may also access the OzonAction meeting portal to view meeting documents and presentations. A list of useful resources is also provided. You can find more information about UNEP and the network here.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.
More news
Digital path to sustainable cooling: efficiency meets environment (ECA / UNEP article)
In an era where energy efficiency is critical to reaching sustainability goals, digitalisation and innovative methodologies present unprecedented opportunities to enhance efficiency and to combat climate change.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
As we wrap up an exciting and productive 2024, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
The 55th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition
Between the 11 and 13 of december we had the honour participating in The 55th International HVAC&R Congress and Exhibition.