World Refrigeration Day 2022 – 26th June

Air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pumps (HVACR) consume more than 20% of the world’s electricity, to increase the awareness of HVACR systems World Refrigeration Day was introduced. ClimaCheck is of course strong supporter of this awareness campaign because it is needed.
The performance in HVACR systems are often taken for granted, as long as the right temperature is reached, even when they are business critical. This often leads to an overconsumption of electricity by 10-30%, which creates a huge saving potential in many organisations. By increasing the awareness of air-conditioning, refrigeration and heat pumps, the performance of these will get into focus and hopefully included in the sustainability work. Which is rarely is today.
ClimaCheck have optimised thousands of systems during the years, and it is from all these we know that it usually is possible to save 10-30%, by using information form performance analysis to optimise the system.
If you want to get started, you can contact us here.
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