ClimaCheck Summer Newsletter

By |Published On: 2021-07-28|

Climate change should be the top of everyone’s agenda!

It is time for my first letter as CEO of ClimaCheck. It has been an intense beginning-up and I am starting to feel quite familiar with both the business and the industry, although there is still a lot to learn and understand. I had quite few references or opinions on “how it should be” – or this is how it must be done. During the early summer I have been able to observe and observe the in peace and quiet to create my own picture of how it works.

The environment, nature and animals have always been areas close to my heart, so it was not difficult for me to accept the job as CEO of ClimaCheck. Klas Berglöf, one of the founders of the ClimaCheck and the inventor of our amazing method and product. He is like me, very committed to the environmental issues and sustainability.

 Klas said in one of our first meetings:

“One of the things I really can’t stand – is this senseless waste of energy that I have seen in all my years in the refrigeration and heat pump business!”

And I now understand exactly what Klas meant, as I start to learn how things look and work in our industry. There is a terrible waste of energy, money and time that is going on! Which we all need to do something about.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome I have received during my first time at ClimaCheck!

Have a wonderful summer!


Activate your ClimaCheck Energy Report 

With ClimaCheck online all necessary parameters are monitored and analysed to work with Predictive maintenance. By activating the quarterly Energy Report (free) you will receive a comprehensive energy report that includes information on the electricity that is used, when it is used and how much heating/cooling that is produced.

In the core offer of ClimaCheck online, the quarterly Energy Report is included and you can activate the Energy Report by emailing us.

All the information needed is collected without any invasive sensors.

ClimaCheck expert workshop in September!

Like last year, international traveling is hard. Therefore, we will have an expert workshop online this fall. The workshops are scheduled as two times a half day sessions to handle the global time zones. If you are interested in participating, let us know which one that suits you best. 

Register here for the 20-21 September. More information: Asia, Oceania, Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Register here for the 22-23 September. More information: America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa

ClimaCheck International Training 2022

Next year, the International Training will be in Stockholm the 5-6 of May. You can already now register for the training here. Don’t forget to add the date in your calendar!

More information can be found here.

Have a wonderful summer! 
/The ClimaCheck team!

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Talk to a ClimaCheck specialist

Our proven solution increase energy efficiency by 10-30% and reduce maintenance costs in any air conditioning, refrigeration or heat pump system!