iTOP is ClimaCheck ready!
Our partnership with Assemblin Caverion Group “ACG” is continuously developing, and now we take another step with multiple successful projects in the backpack. If you have been working in iTOP you might already have noticed the “ClimaCheck verified” logo.
We are excited to announce that the iTOP platform is a part of the exclusive group “ClimaCheck ready”.
This means that a system connected to iTOP can share data flawlessly with ClimaCheck online and performance analysis is available thanks to the unique ClimaCheck method. Therefore, iTOP and its users can access many of the benefits of industry 4.0, such as:
- Performance analysis
- Efficient Energy Optimisation
- Predictive Maintenance (PdM)
- Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis (AFDD)
- Early Warnings
- Energy reports and more.
By implementing these features in the offered services, it is possible to reduce breakdowns to a minimum and it is possible to save amount of energy. Saving around 20% is common, which directly impact the net operating income (NOI) for the building.
In the Vinnova project we did together, to show the potential in moving energy consumption (peak shaving) and optimise cooling systems in supermarkets we documented a 50% power reduction during peak load and 20% general savings thanks to optimisation.
Today we have active projects together, in many sectors such as, supermarkets, commercial buildings, industrial and many more.
Assemblin Caverion Group “ACG”
“Together with ClimaCheck we can give the customers inputs from two angles regarding their facilities. It is a strength in being transparent regarding the facilities wellbeing”
Annelie Svensson, Development manager for iTOP Sweden at ACG.
Assemblin Caverion Group is a leading Northern European technical service and installation company. The group consists of approximately 21,500 skilled employees in 10 countries, all sharing a passion for smart and sustainable solutions. ACG delivers installations, technical services, and solutions throughout the entire lifecycle of the built environment, supporting customers in meeting the growing demand for energy efficiency, sustainability, and automation in buildings, infrastructure, and industrial facilities. Assemblin Caverion Group was formed in April 2024 through the merger of Assemblin Group and Caverion Corporation.
Over the year we have seen the dire need of a new level of service to comply with the increasing pressure and need of optimisation. A key factor in this is strong partnerships where training, services and technology is leveraged to optimise HVACR systems.
We have seen how ACG delivers good result and help their customers to optimise systems as well as supporting them over time, to ensure optimal performance. This connection between our platforms deepens our partnership and enhance the work around, optimisation, dynamic controls and peak shaving. Niklas berglöf, Head of Marketing and Sales.
ClimaCheck is the world-leading company in performance analysis for chillers, heat pumps, and air-conditioning systems. The unique method of analysing cooling and heating processes enables continuous commissioning.
This approach makes it possible to identify deviations when they appear, allowing for corrective measures to be implemented well before they result in significant system failures. This proactive strategy is known as Predictive maintenance.
For more information contact:
Niklas Berglöf
Head of Marketing and Sales
ClimaCheck Sweden AB
Annelie Svensson
Development manager for iTOP Sweden at ACG
Assemblin Caverion Group
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