Spring Update from the ClimaCheck network

By |Published On: 2024-05-20|

Time flies when you’re having fun, and we are rapidly heading into the warmer months in Sweden. By preparing your system now, you can avoid many problems in the future heat waves (or cold spells). All around the world, partners from the ClimaCheck network works tirelessly to support equipment owners on their way to a more sustainable organisation. With the increasing demand of energy optimisation and predictive maintenance, the ClimaCheck network grows every day!

Cool Check Resources visited Jakarta and connected multiple large chillers as part of their services to analyse and optimise performance. In the pictures, you can see them checking that everything is in order!



Eqobrush was present at the International Refrigeration Fair in Shanghai with a well-visited stand. Learn more about the fair.



In Sweden, Enrad was at Nordbygg, where they presented their solutions and participated in a panel, discussing natural refrigerants. If you missed them, you have another opportunity to visit them at Energimässan on May 22-23 (stand G:13) in Kista.



Our CEO Calle was invited to “Energihandboken – the podcast”, arranged by our partner Indoor Energy. If you haven’t had a chance to listen, you can still tune in, and learn how chillers and heat pumps can be optimised.



If you want to get in touch with your local partner or join the ClimaCheck network as a partner, do not hesitate to contact us. To avoid missing news from us and the ClimaCheck network, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter.




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