Chillventa 2024 – Information
Thank you for visiting us at Chillventa, fill out your email and questions, here in under to get all information from the exhibition!
Documents and cases
All the information in the our stand (Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-336) is collected here in under. We are looking forward seeing you again in the near future!
Peak shaving project and Guidance for Shifting Power Demand and Optimising Refrigeration Systems
In collaboration with Caverion and RISE, ClimaCheck analysed and optimised refrigeration systems for six months, from leading property owners in Sweden
(ICA and IKEA). The savings were substantial, and it was possible to reduce the power consumption by 50% during peak hours as well as it was possible to optimise the system and save 20% on the overall consumption. The optimisation also led to a system with a more stable operation and a reduced risk of failure.
Customer success cases
During the years we have done many projects, and the conclusion is that it is possible to remove/avoid most of the breakdowns as well as it is possible to save 10-30% of the energy consumption.
ClimaCheck online
ClimaCheck online provides property owners and partners with state-of-the-art energy reporting and experts with hard facts on performance for plant optimisation, troubleshooting, predictive maintenance and benchmarking.
ClimaCheck onsite
ClimaCheck onsite is used from cradle to grave in the Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heat Pump industry. The system is utilised in many different applications, thanks to the crucial information from performance analysis. ClimaCheck onsite is can be found in test rigs (more than 50 suppliers are supplied) as well as during commissioning and for preventive maintenance and troubleshooting. The ClimaCheck onsite software analyse performance which is visualised in flowcharts, graphs, tables, and comprehensive performance reports. Results can be exported to Excel and the software can be used to calculate performance from data in Excel or earlier recorded ClimaCheck files.
ClimaCheck lite
ClimaCheck lite is an easy to use and cost-effective Bluetooth solution for troubleshooting and performance verification of Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heat Pumps based on a standard refrigeration process.
Specialist forums
Machine Learning drives Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics and predictive maintenance
Digital twins based on Machine Learning (ML) will change maintenance practices in the air conditioning, refrigeration and Heat Pump industry. Our industry uses 20 % of the global electricity and pressure to reduce the carbon footprint and total cost of ownership is increasing. Experience shows that an average saving potential of 25 % is realistic without replacing equipment. Contact is directly to get documentation from this seminar.
Want to know more?
You can contact us directly on our emails here in under or use this link.
Contact us directly
Carl-Johan Håkansson
Carl-Johan.Hakansson (at)
Klas Berglöf
Head of R&D – Founder
Per-Olof Olsson
Software Development – Founder
Niklas Berglöf
Sales and Marketing Manager
Jakob Månberg
Technical Project Manager
Filip Josefsson
Project engineer
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Chillventa 2024 – Information
Thank you for visiting us at Chillventa, fill out your email and questions, here ...
Fördjupat partnerskap mellan ClimaCheck och Indoor Energy.
Partnerskapet innebär att Indoor Energy integrerar prestandaanalys från ClimaCheck som ett verktyg i sina serviceavtal för kunder med kylanläggningar.
Extended Partnership between ClimaCheck and Indoor Energy
This partnership means that Indoor Energy integrate performance analysis as a tool in their service agreements for clients with heat pump and cooling systems.