December Newsletter

By |Published On: 2020-12-23|

Thank you for this year! – CEO letter

I am looking forward for 2021 and we will keep pushing energy efficiency and reliability with the growing ClimaCheck network!

With tougher climate goals, the demand for energy efficiency is finally increasing and 2021 will solidify this trend! The pressure on companies to decrease energy consumption is changing attitude and mentality at all levels. Investors are beginning to make demands on sustainability. A clear example of this is Blackrock, where the CEO, established that “Climate Risk Is Investment Risk“!

Over the past year, I have seen more companies embrace this mentality. Those who learn and work actively to save energy with new methods will be the winners. And the companies that still discus if it is possible to save energy, will be left behind.

Predictive maintenance is a central part of this change and today there is no reason to wait until a system failure. Virtually all faults can be detected long before they cause breakdowns or performance drift. 

With this said, we are looking forward to keep save energy and increase stability together with you! 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Klas Berglöf
CEO – ClimaCheck

ClimaCheck certified systems

Having a good baseline on system performance is necessary to work with predictive maintenance. So, together with property owners around the globe we have created ClimaCheck certified systems. A service, where we “certify” that the performance and the operation of HVACR-systems is good. Making it possible for equipment owners to re-commission and optimise their system to work with predictive maintenance. Read more here…

Do not take performance for granted!

As a part of our certification work it has become clear to many equipment owners, that their air conditioning and refrigeration equipment don’t work as well as they thought. This is in most cases because, they never looked at the performance. As the desired temperature had been maintained and the scheduled maintenance checks, did not identify any issues.

This insight accelerated many companies work with predictive maintenance to ensure and increase efficiency and reliability in their HVACR system. We have collected all KPIs needed for maintenance and performance analysis in our dashboard. Making it easier to notice and avoid performance drift. All to enable the full potential of online monitoring of system performance. Read the article

Don’t forget to update to ClimaCheck onsite software Version 5 

December is the last month we will support ClimaCheck onsite software Version 4. From January 2021 version 4 will not be updated or supported as it is not compatible with newer Windows versions. We strongly recommend all users to upgrade to the new version!

ClimaCheck onsite Software version 5, have a new dashboard with all KPIs and graph functions with improved zoom and selection functions. These upgrades makes it easy to get a good overview of KPI’s. We have also added a significant number of new refrigerants including a large number of HFO mixtures.

ClimaCheck International Training 2021 – Early bird

Like always, we will have our International Training 2021, where we share the latest trends and exchange experiences. 2020 the training was online, and we will set the format, venue, and date as soon as the situation allows for 2021. If you intend to participate you can pre-register so we can keep you informed.

There is no obligation to participate even if you pre-register, however you will get an Early bird discount. We will take the travel possibilities, and preferences of those registered into account when we decide on format and time. Register here:

To be able to focus better and in light of Level 1 and Level 2 being available regularly as online trainings we will for the future require participants in International training to have minimum Level 1 prior to the International Training to be able to fully focus on experience exchange and enhancing the capabilities of participants with prior experience. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
/The ClimaCheck team!

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Our proven solution increase energy efficiency by 10-30% and reduce maintenance costs in any air conditioning, refrigeration or heat pump system!