Latest News
Energy Performance Indicator (EnPi) Benchmarking – ClimaCheck and dena update
In october 2022 ClimaCheck was awarded a dena project to develop a platform Energy Performance Indicator (EnPi) Benchmarking with the German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie-Agentur dena).
Spring Update from the ClimaCheck network
All around the world, partners from the ClimaCheck network works tirelessly to support equipment owners on their way to a more sustainable organisation
Sommaren är på ingång, förväntar ni er haverier i kylmaskiner?
Baserat på tiotusentals mätningar kan vi konstatera att majoriteten av alla haverier går att undvika. Kylmaskiner havererar inte på grund av att det blev varmt, utan på grund av ineffektiv drift över långa perioder.
ClimaCheck gästspelar i Energihandboken – The Podcast
Fokusen på Energibesparing ökar dagligen, ta chansen att lyssna in när vår VD Carl-Johan, Mats, och Kay djupdyker i prestandaanalys av kylmaskiner och värmepumpar!
Exempel på serviceavtal och AMA-texter.
Med hjälp av de exempel på AMA-texter och avtalstexter, som vi tagit fram med ledande företag så blir det enkelt att säkerställa en högre nivå av analys och service.
Glad Påsk önskar ClimaCheck!
Vi passar på att önska er alla en riktigt glad påsk!
ClimaCheck 20 Years and New Logo!
To celebrate our first 20 years, we take the opportunity to update our logo. If you follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter, then you have probably already noticed the logo, as it has gradually made its appearance.
Gulf Engineering seminar – February highlight
We want to extend a big thank, to ClimaCheck Partner, Gulf Engineering, for hosting a well-attended and arranged seminar that fostered engaging discussions and productive meetings.
New Partnership: Enrad is ClimaCheck ready!
Enrad heat pumps are now prepared with the necessary sensors as well as a direct connection to ClimaCheck online to start performance analysis from day one and ensure performance.
ClimaCheck Ready: Streamlining Connections Across Platforms
To ease the connection between platforms we introduce “ClimaCheck ready” as a “seal of approval” showing that the certified product/company can send the necessary for ClimaCheck analysis which ensures that the system performance is continuously analysed.