
Latest News

  • ClimaCheck system integration.

    As soon as a deviation is found it is possible to plan when to fix it and avoid performance drift and breakdowns. This reduces the risk of breakdowns as well as it often saves 10-30% energy.

  • We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    We want to take the opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • Vägledning för att flytta effekt och optimera kylanläggningar!

    I livsmedelsbutiker och storkök finns det en möjlighet att sänka temperaturen i kyl- och frysdiskar under natten och lagra kyla i varorna och på så sätt minska eleffektbehovet under de kritiska timmar på morgonen. 

  • ClimaCheck International Training 2024

    During the two days training, you will get insight in the use of ClimaCheck and the opportunities enabled for energy optimisation as well as predictive maintenance.

  • Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics: A Prerequisite for Predictive Maintenance

    Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics and Predictive maintenance represents a significant milestone in the drive towards operational efficiency, energy savings, and sustainability in HVACR systems.

  • Climate Week NYC 2023

    During Climate Week NYC, ClimaCheck was honoured to visit New ...

  • Time to upgrade to Version 6 and PaProIII!?

    Earlier this year, we launched Version 6 of the ClimaCheck onsite software. The new version introduces fresh graphics and expands real-time performance analysis for HVACR systems, thereby reducing troubleshooting time and makes it easier to find deviations compared to conventional methods.

  • Dynamisk styrning sänker förbrukningen markant för anläggningsägare.

    Projektet genomfördes under våren 2023 och visar att det under gynnsamma förhållanden är möjligt att halvera effekten under de kritiska morgontimmarna och samtidigt avsevärt sänka energiförbrukningen.

  • ClimaCheck Announcement

    We are proud to announce that Consolidated Consultants Consultant in Egypt has ...

  • Peak shaving project.

    The result of this peak shaving project is a methodology and guide on how to practically implement peak shaving in supermarkets.

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