

  • Ta inte prestandan i kylmaskiner och värmepumpar för givet!

    En av anledningarna till att det går att spara så mycket är att prestandan i kylmaskiner och värmepumpar tas för givet så länge rätt temperatur uppnås. Aggregaten är ofta robusta, så de kan leverera rätt temperatur under långa perioder men med en ineffektiv drift.

  • Kyl & värmepumpdagen 2022

    Passa på att besöka oss på Kyl & värmepumpdagen 2022.

  • Chillventa 2022 – Recap

    Chillventa is over for this time, it was nice meeting new and old friends again! We are now looking forward to keep on saving energy with all of you.

  • Var en del av att sänka Europas elförbrukning med 5%

    Det konstateras regelbundet att energieffektivisering har störst och snabbast effekt […]

  • How fast is it possible to start save energy?

    Based on thousands of optimised systems, we know that it is usually possible to reduce the power consumption with 10-30% in air conditioning, refrigeration, and heat pump (HVACR) systems.

  • ClimaCheck at Chillventa

    With the ongoing energy and climate crisis energy efference is crucial to reduce the humans impact on the climate. To reach optimal performance during all different operations, it is essential to analyse performance in HVACR systems.

  • Why different kind of savings shorten the ROI

    Due to lack of information about additional cost connected to bad operations, many savings can be harder to estimate. Frankly, they could be missed completely because the cost is taken when there is no other option.

  • Niklas Berglöf has been appointed acting CEO of ClimaCheck Sweden.

    Niklas has worked at ClimaCheck as Sales and marketing manager […]

  • Why opening the “black box” finds new saving opportunities, time after time!

    One of the main reasons that ClimaCheck finds saving opportunities of 10-30%+ in basically every system that is analysed is the unique analysis. Which is basically an EKG for air conditioning, refrigeration, and heat pump systems and the impact is as big (in another industry).

  • Tougher times requires effective actions!

    Based on thousands of analysed systems, we know that it is possible to save 10-30% in most air Conditioning, refrigeration, and heat pump (HVACR) system. Making it one of the lowest hanging fruits for energy savings in many buildings.

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